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The Paint Shop Pro Users Group

"The goal of the Paint Shop Pro Users Group is to share the joy of creativity. We believe we can learn and grow as individuals by giving freely of our time and talents. We are dedicated to providing educational and creative guidance to anyone with a love of art and creativity. By helping others we help ourselves."

~Volunteer Network 
Paint Shop Pro Users Group

As you travel through our site we hope you will take the time to look at all of the pages presented here, not just the ones you have come to see. You never know, you may make a pleasant "find" and broaden your knowledge just that little bit more. :-)

In the beginning...

If the Internet is viewed as a meeting place with an unlimited number of rooms, then an online community is the room where people with a common interest meet. The Paint Shop Pro Users Group (PSPUG) is an online community dedicated to those who create graphics using the graphics program Paint Shop Pro, developed by Jasc Software.

Ms Charith Carne, a graphics artist from Illinois, USA, is one of the founders of the Paint Shop Pro Users Group. The PSPUG started in 1997 with a forum for discussions, some tutorials explaining how to use the software and online study sessions to interested members.

Today, the PSPUG is run by a group of 40+ volunteers who are committed to providing an area for fellow graphics artists to share and develop their skills. The organization exists only in the virtual world and operates through this website, located at www.pspug.org

The volunteers run this educational site for the Paint Shop Pro software, offering a variety of methods to learn, such as forums, online classes, mailing classroom logs, downloadable logs, individualised help and a great variety of tutorials.

The volunteer network is made up of a wide variety of people. Teenagers, parents and grandparents, professionals or otherwise, are all connected by a common goal - to help others.

Quality Control

If in your travels you find what you think may be a mistake please do not hesitate to contact us and we'll have it fixed as soon as possible. All that we ask is that you have a little patience as all of the staff here are volunteers and the vast majority of them work "real" jobs or are full time students and these fixes may take a little while to get done.

Note about the content of this site:
Because of the diverse origins of our volunteers, the PSPUG site contains a mixture of English and Americanized spelling. Please note, they are not typographical errors. They are merely a different way of spelling the same word. The differences occur mainly in words such as colour (color), maximise (maximize), organise (organize) etc.