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Birthday Listing
Birthday Listings
January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December
Greeting Suggestions

Cool Graphics Software

Plug-in Commander


How would you like to receive a cheerful, personalized birthday greeting in your e-mail? How about a personalized web card included on our Message Board? Here you will find a list of the members who have already submitted their birthdays. You will also find some web links to some great places where you can send your own birthday greetings as well.

Birthday Listings





Greeting Suggestions

Visit our Greeting Suggestions page and find out how you can send your own birthday greeting.

Add Your Listing

Would you like to receive a personalized, birthday e-mail greeting? How about a personalized, handmade, message board web card?

This is for PSPUG members only, and if you wish to be added, removed, or have a change to the birthday list, please email Birthdays

When you send email please provide:
1. Date: MM - DD (month - date)
2. Email: (email address you wish your name to be linked to)
3. Name: (your name as how you would like to be listed)
4. Time Zone: (GMT -/+)