Welcome all .... The Site Graphics Activity is the section for members to
submit images that will be used on our PSPUG Web Site Main Page.
The Home Page Graphic is a seasonal image for our home page. The
administrative staff will select an image as the lead off image for the page to
be displayed at least monthly, and perhaps weekly.
- Image size must be no larger than 200 x 200 pixels and no larger than 50K.
- Image must reflect a theme of the month.
- January: New Year, Winter
- February: Winter, Valentines
- March: Like a Lion, St. Patricks Day
- April: Spring Time, Easter, New Beginnings
- May: Mother's Day, Spring
- June: Summer, School's Over
- July: Independence, Summer, Beach time
- August: School to begin, Summer, Fall is near
- Sept: Fall, Autumn, School's In.
- Oct: Autumn, Halloween,
- Nov: Winter is near, Thanksgiving
- Dec: Winter, Christmas, Hanukah
- Images may be animated and/or with text.
- Information to submit with Image:
- Full Name
- Screen Name
- Image Title
- Email Address (will not be used on main page)
- Which Month for Consideration
- Submit image as a Zip file.
- Send to: sitegfx@pspug.org
- All graphics submitted will be displayed in the Site Graphics Gallery.
If you have any questions about the activity, please let us know.
Note: If you are interested in having your graphic used as an E-Card, please
check out the E-Card Page for more information.
Site Graphics Activity Galleries
The Site Graphics Activity Galleries: