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Tabbed Navigational Bars
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Tabbed Navigational Bars

Created by: Advanced Web Designs (Vertical Tabs) and Bella Morte (Horizontal Tabs)
Vertical Tabs
Horizontal Tabs
This tutorial will show you how to make both horizontal and vertical manilla-folder styled tabbed bars.

Vertical Tabbed Navigational Bar

Create a new image size 100 width by 30 height, Background color = white and 16.7 million colors.
Click on the Selection Tool:
Selection Type = Circle
Feather = 0
Antialias = checked
Make a circle selection of 27x27 on the left side of the image, starting at the coordinates (15, 15) and dragging your mouse to the right of the image.
While holding the Shift key, make another circle selection of 27x27 on the right side of the image by starting at the coordinates (85, 15) and dragging the mouse to the left.
Now change the Selection Type to Rectangle. While holding the Shift key, select the upper half of the image.
Holding the Shift key, select the lower portion of the image where the two circles touch the bottom of the image and up to make a tab shape.
Select the Fill tool, set:
Blend mode = Normal
Match mode = None
Tolerance = n/a
Opacity = 100
Set your foreground and background styles to Solid Color (click on the little arrow in the Style boxes and choose the icon on the left), then click into the Style boxes to select a foreground colour to your choice, background color white. Set both your textures to None.
Click inside the selected area to fill it.
Do not deselect the image!
Click on Edit || Copy.
Create a new image size 100 width, 150 height, white background color, 16.7 million colors.
Click on Edit || Paste || As New Selection. Move the colored tab to the lower section of the new image until the parentheses read: (0,115).
Do not deselect!
Click on Effects || 3D Effects || Drop Shadow. Set the options at:
Vertical = 3
Horizontal = 3
Opacity = 100
Blur = 6
Color = Black

Click OK and deselect the image.

Click on Edit || Paste || As New Selection, move the tab over the other tab until the tabs are lined up as in the example.
Click on Effects || 3D Effects || Drop Shadow, keep the same settings and click OK. Deselect the image.

Repeat these two steps until you have all the tabs added you want.

Now using the Selection tool set to Rectangle, select a section on the top portion of the image to make a small rectangle button. Fill this with a color and go to Effects || 3D Effects || Inner Bevel to add a bevel to your likes.

Horizontal Tabbed Navigational Bar

Create a new image size 100 width by 30 height, Background color = white and 16.7 million colors.
Click on the Selection Tool:
Selection Type = Circle
Feather = 0
Antialias = checked
Make a circle selection of 27x27 on the left side of the image, starting at the coordinates (15, 15) and dragging your mouse to the right of the image.
While holding the Shift key, make another circle selection of 27x27 on the right side of the image by starting at the coordinates (85, 15) and dragging the mouse to the left.
Now change the Selection Type to Rectangle. While holding the Shift key, select the lower half of the image.
Holding the Shift key, select the upper portion of the image where the two circles touch the top of the image and down to make a tab shape.
Select the Fill tool, set:
Blend mode = Normal
Match mode = None
Tolerance = n/a
Opacity = 100
Set your foreground and background styles to Solid Color (click on the little arrow in the Style boxes and choose the icon on the left), then click into the Style boxes to select a foreground colour to your choice, background color white. Set both your textures to None.
Click inside the selected area to fill it.
Do not deselect the image!
Click on Edit || Copy.
Create a new image size 600 width, 60 height, white background color, 16.7 million colors.
Click on Edit || Paste || As New Selection. At this point in time the image is attached to your cursor. Where you move your cursor, the image will follow. Move your cursor to the right hand side of the new image. When you have the copied tab positioned where you want it, left-click once. Your image is now in place and you can move your cursor without the copied image following.
Do not deselect!
Click on Effects || 3D Effects || Drop Shadow. Set the options at:
Vertical = -3
Horizontal = 3
Opacity = 100
Blur = 6
Color = Black

Click OK and deselect the image.

Click on Edit || Copy, then on Edit || Paste || As New Selection. Now the tab is added complete with its shadow, and you can move it in its place. Repeat this for as much tabs as you want, except the last one on the left.
For the last one switch back to your original tab image, without the shadow. Go to Edit || Copy, switch back to your horizontal tabs image again and go to Edit || Paste || As New Selection. Move the tab into its place at the far left, then click on your Selection tool and, holding the Shift key, add a rectangle selection beneath the tabs row. Now fill with color and apply the drop shadow as before.
Now just select the bottom part of the rectangle that is without the shadow and hit the Delete key, then save your image and there you go. You are now ready to add text to each of the tabs. Just add new layer and add text as normal.