Since December 2002 PSPUG has sponsor a 'Watermark' Contest. Watermarks images are border images that are used on a web page and enhance its presentation. The winner's Watermark entry is used on one of our four Forum pages.
Each contest runs for a two month period of time. Contests are reflective of seasonal themes for the dates given in our Contest Calendar. Entries must follow the Guidelines and are to be submitted two (2) days prior to the end of a contest. All entries submitted are indicative of an aggreement with the Guidelines and conform to the Contest image specifications.
Current Contest Entries and Previous Contest Entries and Winners are able to viewed in our Contest Entry Archives. As will be seen, we have many talented members who have created excellent Watermark images. It is often very difficult to choose winners as a result. We invite all to view the entries of these talented people which is 'Creativity at its Best'.
All Watermark Contest entries must meet the basic image size requirements. All entries submitted are assumed as an acceptance of the Guidelines which detail agreements, requirements for the image, and format for sending the entry. Click here for the guidelines.
Image Requirements:
- Image Size: 100 x 200 pixels or less.
- Image appearance: As transparent as possible
- Background: White
Winners of each contest are determined by the Contest staff. The winning images are converted by the staff to a border image that will be used on one of our Forum pages.
The Contests run for a two month period of time. Contest entries are due two (2) days before the end of the month. Entries submitted are in accordance with the Guidelines. To view both the current contest and previous contests, click on the link in the calendar below.
Current Contest: Winter Time: (Jan
- Mar 2004 Due: 31/01).
Contest Calendar:
To enter the contest, send email to with the subject of 'Watermark Contest Entry'. Attach the image or images being submitted.
Contest images will be renamed to a template format for purposes of displaying them. Entries are assumed to be an agreement with the guidelines and will become the property of PSPUG.
All decision by the Watermark Contest judges is final and the winners will be displayed at the top of the contest entry display page.
Have fun, express your creativity and enjoy.
Watermark Contest Staff